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Privacy policy

This policy applies to the site:
Last updated: January 14, 2020

Respect for your privacy is of the utmost importance to Dôm Finance, who is responsible for this site.
The purpose of this privacy policy is to explain to you:

The way your personal information is collected and processed. All information that may identify you must be considered personal information. These include your first and last name, your age, your postal address, your location email address or your IP address. “Personal information” is also used as a synonym for “personal data” within the meaning of the European Regulations 2016/679;

What are your rights to this information?

Who is responsible for processing personal information collected and processed;

To whom this information is passed on;

Eventually, the site’s “cookies” policy.

This privacy policy complements the Terms and Conditions of Use that you can see at:


We collect the following personal information:


First name

E-mail address

Phone/fax number

The personal information we collect is collected through the collection methods described below, in the “Forms and Collection Methods” and following sections.


Your personal information is collected through the following methods:

Website registration form

We use the information collected for the following purposes:




We collect certain information through log files and cookies. These files allow us to process statistics and traffic information, facilitate navigation and improve service for your comfort.
Under the General Data Protection Regulations (European Regulation 2016/679), for the use of witness files involving the safeguarding and analysis of personal information, your consent is necessarily requested.
In addition, this consent is considered valid for a maximum of thirteen (13) months. At the end of this period, we will again ask for your permission to record cookies on your hard drive.

a) Description of the control files used by the site
These are mainly the following information:

IP Address

Operating system

Pages visited and queries

The use of such files allows us to achieve the following objectives:

Statistical studies

b) Opposition to the site’s use of cookies
You can object to the registration of these cookies by setting up your navigation software.
In case you decide to disable the control files, you can then continue browsing the site. However, any site malfunction caused by this manipulation cannot be considered to be our doing.


The personal information collected by the site is not passed on to any third party and is only processed by us.


The person in charge of processing personal information will keep all personal information collected indefinitely in the site’s computer systems and under reasonable security conditions.


Our site is hosted by: Host, whose headquarters are located at the following address:
The host can be contacted at the following phone number: Phone.
The personal information we collect and process is transferred to the following country: France.


(a) The person in charge of processing personal information
The person responsible for processing personal information is Marc Rochereau. It can be contacted as follows:
The person in charge of the processing of personal information is responsible for determining the purposes and means used to process personal information

b) Personal information handler’s obligations
The person in charge of the processing of personal information is committed to protecting the personal information collected, not passing it on to third parties without your knowledge, and respecting the purposes for which the information was collected.
In addition, the person in charge of handling personal information undertakes to notify you in the event of a correction or deletion of personal information, unless this entails disproportionate formalities, costs or procedures for them.
In the event that the integrity, confidentiality or security of your personal information is compromised, the processing manager undertakes to inform you by any means.


You have the right to object to the site’s handling of your personal information (“right of objection”). You also have the right to request that your personal information no longer appear, for example, in a mailing list (“right of withdrawal”).
In order to object to the processing of your personal information or request the removal of your personal information, you must follow the following procedure:

You can review, update, modify or request the removal of information about yourself, following the following procedure:


In accordance with Article 5 of the European Regulations 2016/679, the collection and processing of your personal information respects the following principles:

The privacy, loyalty and transparency: your personal information can only be collected and processed with your consent. Each time personal information is collected, it will be stated that your personal information is collected and why your personal information is collected;

Limited purposes: The collection and processing of personal information is carried out to meet one or more objectives identified in this privacy policy;

Minimalization of the collection and processing of personal information: only the personal information necessary to properly achieve the site’s objectives is collected;

Keeping personal information reduced over time: personal information is kept for a limited time that you are aware of;

Integrity and confidentiality of personal information collected and processed: The person responsible for handling personal information is committed to ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of the personal information collected.

In order to be lawful, and in accordance with the requirements of Article 6 of the European Regulations 2016/679, the collection and processing of personal information can only take place if it meets at least one of the following conditions listed:

You have expressly consented to the treatment;

Treatment is necessary for the performance of a contract;

Treatment meets a legal obligation;

The treatment is due to the need to safeguard your vital interests or those of another individual;

Treatment may be explained by a necessity related to the performance of a public interest mission or which is part of the exercise of public authority;

The processing and collection of personal information is necessary for legitimate and private interests pursued by the person in charge of the handling of personal information or by a third party.


The next person has been appointed to the position of Data Protection Delegate: Marc Rochereau.
The role of the Data Protection Delegate is to ensure the proper implementation of applicable EU legislation on the collection and processing of personal information. It is sometimes called DPO (for Data Protection Officer).
The Data Protection Delegate can be reached as follows:


In accordance with EU regulations on the handling of personal information, you also have the following rights listed.
In order for the person in charge of the information to grant your request, you are required to provide your first and last name and email address.
The person in charge of processing personal information is required to respond to you within a maximum of 30 days.

a) Right to portability of personal information
You have the right to request the portability of your personal information, held by the site, to another site, by complying with the following procedure:

b) Right not to be decided solely on an automated process
In accordance with the provisions of the European Regulation 2016/679, you have the right not to be the subject of a decision based exclusively on an automated process if the decision produces legal effects affecting you or significantly in a similar way.

c) Right to refer the matter to the competent authority
If the person in charge of handling personal information decides not to respond to your request and you wish to challenge that decision or, if you believe that one of your rights listed above is infringed, you are entitled to refer any competent court.


This privacy policy can be accessed at any time at the following address:
We reserve the right to amend it to ensure compliance with applicable law.
As a result, you are invited to check this privacy policy on a regular basis to keep you informed of the latest changes.


By browsing the site, you certify that you have read and understood this privacy policy and agree to its conditions, particularly with regard to the collection and processing of your personal information, as well as the use of cookies.


We are committed to complying with the legislation set out in:

Private Sector Privacy Act, RLRQ v P-39.1; Or
Privacy and Electronic Documents Act, LC 2000, c 5; And
General Data Protection Regulation , European Parliament and Council Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with respect to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46CE (General Data Protection Regulation) 2016/279.

Informations légales sur l’investissement dans les FCP de Dôm Finance (France)

Nous vous prions de lire attentivement les informations ci-dessous pour votre protection et dans votre propre intérêt. Ce document explique certaines restrictions juridiques et réglementaires qui s’appliquent à tous les investissements effectués dans les produits mentionnés dans ce site Internet (ci-après dénommé le « site »). Après avoir lu les informations suivantes, veuillez cliquer sur le bouton « J’ai lu et j’accepte les modalités d’utilisation de ce site » ci-dessous pour indiquer votre acceptation de ces modalités et entrer sur la page produits du site. Les pages suivantes de ce site web contiennent des informations présentant des FCP agréés par l’Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) en France. L’accès à ces informations peut être régi ou interdit par les lois ou réglementations applicables au visiteur du site, spécialement les lois du pays depuis lequel il visite le site web. Il appartient au visiteur de ce site de s’informer et de respecter toutes les lois et réglementations applicables. Les informations contenues sur ce site ne doivent en aucun cas être interprétées comme étant une offre d’achat ou de vente d’actions ou de parts dans un Fonds et ne sont en aucun cas destinées à un pays au sein duquel cette offre, vente ou recommandation est interdite. Ce site n’est pas destiné aux personnes relevant de pays dans lesquels (en raison de la nationalité des personnes, de leur lieu de résidence ou pour toute autre raison) la diffusion ou l’accès à ce site est interdit. Ce site propose des informations concernant la gamme de produits de Dôm Finance disponible pour la clientèle d’investisseurs français ou des investisseurs suisses et ne doit en aucun cas être consulté par des personnes résidant aux Etats-Unis. Les informations contenues sur ce site ne doivent en aucun cas être distribuées et ne constituent en particulier ni une offre de vente ni une sollicitation d’offre d’achat de valeurs aux Etats-Unis d’Amérique pour le compte de personnes américaines.

La note d’information complète et les documents d’informations périodiques de chaque FCP sont disponibles auprès de Dôm Finance.

Les performances passées ne préjugent pas des rendements futurs. Les actions ne sont pas garanties et peuvent donc perdre de la valeur, notamment en raison des fluctuations des marchés. Dôm Finance fournit uniquement des informations sur ses produits. Ce document ne constitue ni une offre de souscription, ni un conseil personnalisé. Nous vous recommandons de vous informer soigneusement avant toute décision d’investissement. Toute souscription dans un compartiment doit se faire sur la base du prospectus actuellement en vigueur et des documents périodiques disponibles sur la base GECO de l’Autorité des Marchés Financiers ou sur simple demande auprès de Dôm Finance. Les instruments monétaires comportent moins de risques que les obligations, lesquelles comportent moins de risques que les actions. La diversification (sur différents marchés ou classes d’actifs) réduit le risque global d’un portefeuille. Les FCP qui privilégient les petites valeurs comportent plus de risques que ceux qui investissent dans de moyennes entreprises, lesquels comportent plus de risques que ceux privilégiant les grandes capitalisations. Les FCP dont le style de gestion est plus agressif comportent plus de risques que ceux dont le style de gestion est plus conservateur. Les FCP qui investissent sur des marchés moins liquides comportent plus de risques que ceux qui investissent sur des marchés plus développés. Les FCP qui investissent sur des marchés historiquement plus volatils comportent plus de risques que ceux qui investissent sur des marchés moins volatils. Les FCP, qui investissent dans des devises autres que leur propre devise de dénomination, comportent plus de risques que ceux qui investissent dans leur propre devise de dénomination. Les devises historiquement très volatiles comportent plus de risques que les devises plus stables. Les conséquences fiscales à l’égard de chaque actionnaire en ce qui concerne l’achat, la détention, la conversion, le rachat ou la vente des actions d’FCP dépendront selon le cas, des lois applicables auxquelles il est soumis. La loi et les usages fiscaux ainsi que les taux d’imposition peuvent faire l’objet de modifications. Les investisseurs sont invités à se rapprocher d’un conseiller fiscal pour toute question relative à la déclaration et à l’imposition en France. En aucun cas, la responsabilité de Dôm Finance ne pourra être engagée à la suite de tout litige entre l’investisseur et l’administration fiscale, notamment relatif à la déclaration ou à l’imposition en France ou dans tout autre état ou territoire. Dôm Finance fournit uniquement des informations sur ses produits. Par conséquent, les informations contenues dans ce site ne constituent ni une offre de souscription, ni un conseil personnalisé.